- peering down for a broader view -

Monday, March 06, 2006

But not brooms in the Canadian sense

Okay, so my dear friend told me I H A - A V E to start blogging. She started one, I read it, peed my pants laughing at hers (though I had just heard the stories over coffee this morning), went to a few postings of people who commented on hers and couldn't stay away. The honest truth is, I can't stand not being able to say something. I must comment, therefore, I had to create an account.

I've titled my blog "Beyond the Broom" simply because it is my mantra every day. I find that too much of my day is spent with broom in hand. True, some days it seems all I do is sweep up mess after mess - but more often than I'd like to admit, I've got that baby cluched between the palms of my hand and I'm flying!! So I'm going out on a limb here a bit and deciding to create a space that documents life beyond those two scenarios - although I'm thinking a few of the broom stories HAVE to make it in time to time just for the sake of grins and giggles.

So, cheers to a new blog and cheers to peering down from my broom from time to time in an attempt to see a broader view. :)


Blogger Bobita said...


I'm soooo happy you are gearing up to provide endless laughs for the masses!

I was thinking that maybe we could do a series on "thinking back..." in which we tell stories of our youth! :) Maybe Wednesdays could be the day?! I'm really wanting to tell stories about "weeky weeky" and other such humorous insider moments!!

Come on, it'll be fun!!

(I'm so excited that you are doing this!!!!)

11:58 AM

Blogger Dawn said...

Welcome to the world of the "Bizarro Mommybloggers" - we are a funny funny bunch!

4:20 PM


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