- peering down for a broader view -

Friday, March 10, 2006

To What Do I Owe This Occasion?

OMG, I don't want to actually write this down, but I can't help it. BOTH MY KIDS ARE NAPPING!!! KK is almost 6 and hasn't napped since she was 3. Super T is 3.5 and only naps occasionally on days when he is at daycare. Despite m-a-n-y firm words, mixed in with various threats on days that I just know they need a nap, I have not succeeded in getting them to sleep. Yet, here I sit, and they are both sleeping. They didn't want to go to sleep of course, but we're at my parents' house right now (about 8 hours from our home) and I just don't know what it is about being out of the norm for kids, but it throws my kids off - WAY OFF - for like a week! So last night they sprouted those pointy red horns, grabbed their pitchforks, and let loose!

My hubby (I have a new acronym for him btw- LAESH - not to be confused with LEASH of course, wink wink - which stands for Loving And Extremely Supportive Husband) has been at a conference since Wednesday. And although my parents are great at helping out with the rugrats, the sole responsibility rests on me and I'm T-I-R-E-D!! The kids are sporting thier new style complete with pointy tails, I'm way tired and frankly a bit overwhelmed at trying to assure my parents that my choosing not to raise my children in "the church" has not backfired.

It was crazy making both last night and this morning.

But . . .

I have recieved a gift - the little devils lay fast asleep, in the middle of the day.

I went to both of them and peered directly in their eyes, trying to make sure they wouldn't feel my breath on their little devil faces, to see if they truly were asleep. And that is when I saw it, with my own two eyes - their horns were crumbling, pitchforks dropping to the floor, and pointy tails melting away.

Such moments of beauty, let the trumpets sound, the cherubs (did I say that?) are asleep!!


Blogger Bobita said...

(Trumpets sound...)


Queen, thou art funny! FU-UNY!

3:44 PM

Blogger Gina said...

I second Bobita!

Very funny, and thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice note.

The blogging thing has been such a wonderful experience for me, I have discovered so many truly awesome people. I am sure it will be the same for you, and congrats on getting started!

10:08 PM

Blogger Dawn said...

I always get so suspicious and worried when mine sleeps...at all. I mean, I start taking temp's and go on "High Puke Alert"

11:56 AM

Blogger Mommygoth said...

Ah, naps, those glorious naps! I always feel so pathetically grateful when Miss K goes down without a fight!

12:14 PM


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